from the article “Employee Fun Day” Won’t Create Job Satisfaction
By Kelly Goldsmith and Marshall Goldsmith | August 25, 2010;drawer-container
"Over the last year, we surveyed thousands of respondents on their experience of happiness and meaning — both at work and outside of work. While many of our findings were consistent with our expectations, one was a surprise.
We asked respondents to note the percentage of time they spent on activities that produced high amounts of short-term gratification (or happiness) but low amounts of long-term benefit (or meaning). We classified these activities — things like gossiping and watching TV — under the category “stimulating.” Then we conducted an analysis, comparing the number of hours respondents spent on the “stimulating” activities to their overall satisfaction with life at work and at home.
Companies that invest in activities that are supposed to be “fun” but are also meaningless are probably squandering their money and their employees’ time. “Employee fun day” may well be a waste — it only leads to increased cynicism. Most professionals are extremely busy. They don’t need to go to work to be entertained. They can do that at home."
"While a little fun time is great, a lot of it can do more harm than good. Rather than watching another TV show, it might be good if we challenged ourselves by finding ways to help other people in need. Finding meaning can be more important than finding amusement.
As always, we would love to get your thoughts on this topic. What is meaningful for you? How does your own search for meaning lead to higher overall satisfaction with your life?"
Yes, a little fun won't hurt. A day away from work can do some wonders. Short term. If the bigger issues are not handled, employee fun day becomes meaningless.
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